In light of the current situation

We are in the business of creating connectivity in healthcare through image management for hospitals. But in creating that connectivity, we also facilitate keeping a distance. We welcome your ideas and suggestions on how we can help - in the long run as well as in the short perspective.

Consider how medical image management can contribute

This is how we think image management systems in general can be utilized to keep a distance:

Share images with colleagues

Reduce or eliminate the need for travelling by sharing images with colleagues. Have medical video conferences within the department as well as with remote multi-disciplinary teams.

Hold virtual lectures

Use your image management system for virtual lectures by broadcasting from the procedure room to students in an auditorium.

Make use of remote presence

By digitally inviting a proctor for specialist training, a doctor on call or medical expert in emergency situations, expertise can be remotely present in the OR or cath lab.

Transfer images

Make sure prior studies and patient data can be transferred to another hospital, in cases where patients are referred, to avoid the need for redoing examinations.

Our product InVision facilitates collaboration and creates connectivity between procedure rooms, departments and hospitals.

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